Creation Care & Camp Stevens Sunday
Event Details

Sun, Jun 16th

10:30am - 11:30am

St. Andrew's by-the-Sea Episcopal Church
1050 Thomas Avenue
San Diego, CA 92109

"And God said, 'It is good.'" Our faith calls us to be caretakers and advocates for God’s good Earth. On Creation Care Sunday we will sing of God’s good creation, and celebrate creation as an act of justice, resistance, and holy gratitude. The service will be held outside on the patio today, so we can pray and sing alongside the sun, birds, and wind. We will also celebrate Camp Stevens, our diocesan camp in Julian where our parish goes on retreat annually to reconnect with each other and with nature.
Event Details

Sun, Jun 16th

10:30am - 11:30am

St. Andrew's by-the-Sea Episcopal Church
1050 Thomas Avenue
San Diego, CA 92109