ministries at St. andrew's

At St. Andrew's, we are anti-perfectionism; pro-participation. That means you can get involved and the stakes are low. Church is a great place to learn leadership skills and to practice working with people. It's fun to take on a new job, help out the community, and build your repertoire of skills and abilities. Whether it's serving our faith community on Sunday mornings, or feeding people who are hungry on Tuesday nights, there's something for everyone at St. Andrew's.

worship ministries

Serving during worship is a good way to get involved. If you would like to read a part of the service, or lead the congregation in prayers, you're welcome to sign up to be a lector. If you want to hold the chalice while people receive the bread and wine made holy, then being a chalice bearer is for you. If you are drawn to altar service, then please contact us. We will see that you are trained and ready to serve this faith community! Read below to see what connects with you.


Learn how to serve at the altar of St. Andrew's as part of the youth acolyte team. All youth, third grade and older, are welcome. Contact the church office.


Join an altar guild team that meets once a month to prepare the worship space for Sunday mornings. This is a behind-the-scenes job for those who prefer to work out of the limelight.  


Assist once a month as a chalice bearer at the altar. We need people to bear the chalice during Holy Eucharist who enjoy working alongside the youth acolyte team.


Lectors serve to read scripture on Sundays, and lead the prayers of the people. Contact us to learn more.

music team

Express your musical self by joining our music team at St. Andrew’s, a blend of church members and guest musicians offering music to God’s glory, both ancient and modern.

livestream team

We're expanding our team of livestreamers! If you have an iPhone and a Facebook account, and feel comfortable using both of them, please contact us to help out. We really appreciate it!

welcome team

The welcome team offers hospitality, greeting, ushering, handing out bulletins, and welcoming people with a friendly smile. If you're new, this is a great way to get to know the community.


Do you have experience planning liturgies, ceremonies, or life celebrations? If you would like to join the liturgy team, let us know! We're always looking for more creative minds to broaden the experience.

serve others

Jesus said whenever we clothe those who are naked, feed those who are hungry, visit those who are imprisoned, we are serving him. Serving others is more than a spiritual practice, although it is definitely that. It also shows us the face of Christ in the most unlikely of places. Serving others deepens our connection to all of humanity, thereby increasing our faith. Read about a few options below. 

serve at the tuesday night hunger supper

Volunteers help set up, cook, serve and clean up. Get to know your neighbors, many of whom are experiencing homelessness. 

Every Tuesday night, 5-7pm. 

Contact Auburn Williams to help out or for more information.

volunteer at the compass station

We partner with The Compass Station to help people experiencing homelessness -- mental health and substance use resources, laundry, medical care, computer lab, charging stations, document storage and more. Volunteers needed in many capacities! Apply at


water bottles

We have many visitors to our campus, Sunday through Saturday, who are experiencing homelessness. Providing water is one simple way we can serve our neighbors. Contact our church office to arrange a time to drop off water bottles. 



All gifts to St. Andrew’s further the mission and ministry of this faith community. You can make a general donation and your funds will go where they are most needed. All gifts are 100% tax deductible. Donate online.