small groups

We believe people grow when they experience the feeling of being seen, known, understood and loved. That often happens in small groups, or one-to-one. We're currently offering the following small groups. We hope they help you make connections that support you in your daily life.

God, Gospel & gender Bible Study

august 18, 24 & september 1

An introduction to what scripture has to say about the dignity of LGBTQ people.

August 18th, 12-1:30 pm
Chapter 1: How we see God, How we see ourselves: Non-Gendered Images of God

August 25th, 12-1:30 pm

Chapter 2: Christ the Mother Hen: Maternal Images of God

September 1st, 12-1:30 pm
Chapter 3: God Loves All Families: Family Relationships in Scripture

Register here!

Rebel Women's
Bible StudY
Every Wednesday, 9:30am-10:30am

Current Study: Song of Songs

The Rebel Women Bible Study group has started a new study on the Song of Songs

This book from the Hebrew Bible is controversial and even dangerous, as it is a lyrical love poem with evocative imagery, and doesn’t mention God once! What is it doing in the Bible? Let’s talk about it!

No experience reading the Bible? No problem! We approach the scripture with curiosity and encourage doubt and questioning.

Come connect with other women asking big questions and seeking support on their

spiritual journey.

Email Mother Mary Lynn for more information.