confirmation class

how to... Church: going deeper in faith

New to the Episcopal church, or looking to go deeper in your life of faith? Sign up for the How to...Church series coming this winter at St. Andrew's by-the-Sea. Attend as many sessions as you'd like! Coffee and pastries will be provided - feel free to bring a breakfast item to share, if you'd like.

Note: these sessions are also intended to prepare folks for baptism, confirmation, reception, and reaffirmation. If you are interested in being baptized, confirmed, received, or making a reaffirmation during the bishop's visitation on December 8, 2024.

you will be expected to attend all of the sessions (or work through the at-home resources if you miss a session).

Confirmation: The sacramental rite in which the candidates "express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop" (BCP, p. 860). Those who were baptized at an early age and those baptized as adults without laying on of hands by a bishop make a mature public affirmation of their faith, recommit themselves to the responsibilities of their baptism, and receive laying on of hands by a bishop (BCP, p. 412). 

Reception: The sacramental rite in which those who have previously been confirmed in another denomination are officially received into the Anglican communion, and receive laying on of hands by a bishop.

Reaffirmation: The sacramental rite in which those who wish to reaffirm their commitment to Jesus Christ, often after or during a significant life change or event, are celebrated in the community, and receive laying on of hands of a bishop.


How to...pray
November 3, 8:30-10am
Come try on ancient spiritual practices (like walking the labyrinth, prayer beads, the examen) and learn how they can fit into your busy life

How to...worship
November 10, 8:30-10am
What do we do on Sundays, and why? Learn about sacraments, the calendar of the church year, and the meaning behind the parts of our Sunday service. We will take extra time exploring the eucharist, and will walk through the sanctuary discovering how architecture communicates what we believe about God and worship.

How to...believe
November 17, 8:30-10am
What do Episcopalians believe? We’ll walk through the ancient Nicene creed that connects us to Christians across the world and throughout time, and share our own doubts and beliefs in a space meant for asking the questions you weren’t sure how to ask before. We will also take time to write our own creeds, or statements of belief: what do you know to be true? This session will be informative as well as reflective.

How to...Bible
December 1, 8:30-10am
What is the Bible, and why do we still read it? How do Episcopalians read and understand the Bible? Come learn about biblical interpretation, and discover great resources for incorporating Bible reading in your daily life. This session will have lots of art and storytelling, as well as practical tools you can take with you.